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  Gunblade Specialists & firearms
Posted by: theholymoo - 12-08-2013, 01:16 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (10)

Should they start with a gunblade as they costs way over starting gil? also does FFd20 use the pathfinder rules for firearms being touch attacks?

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  Advice for GMing FFd20
Posted by: theholymoo - 12-07-2013, 09:45 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (3)

So I'm setting up a campaign using this FFd20 system and the only thing that is lacking i would say is monsters, and i think this is a known issue, so do you have any advice on creating new monsters, mainly in regards to blue mages and new monster abilities/spells, is their perhaps a system that was created to make the blue magic spells or was it just kinda winged by comparing it to other magics?

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  Been Awhile
Posted by: theholymoo - 11-23-2013, 10:46 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (12)

Hey, its been a while since I checked up on FFd20 but am pleasantly surprised to see its progression and conversion to pathfinder, but i wanted to ask, what happened to the old version of summoner that was less pathfinder more plot based hunting down summons? the new version doesnt interest me much as its kinda just a carbon copy of pathfinders version (which is my favorite class from pathfinder but doesnt have the same flare the old FF one did).

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  Help Appreciated
Posted by: iwasabunny - 10-18-2013, 02:13 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (3)

Hey there. My friend and I were playing some Final Fantasy XIV and I was talking to him about the job system used in III and V and one thing led to another and I started searching google to see if anyone had created a tabletop rpg with Final Fantasy as a basis. We are both pretty excited about what we read on here. We love that it has stuff from all of the games, especially the XI stuff which we both loved.

Our only problem is that we are complete n00bs at all of this. We've tried to get into tabletop gaming before but it never truly works out. He has books for Pathfinder so that this uses that as it's core works out great for both of us, but we aren't entirely sure where to go from there.

I guess my major question is if there are any pre-made campaigns out there we can do? The Introduction mentions that the campaigns for ffd20 are more grand and involved than usual, but I don't suppose there is any way for the two of us to play any of them by ourselves, is there? At most we'd be able to get one other person to join us and one of us could be the GM/DM/Whatever, but would that person have to come up with the story and all the rules? Because we'd all be new at it.

Any other advice/help would also be appreciated. We'd love to try this out, but are a bit lost.

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  Newb Chatter: Seeking clarification.
Posted by: Stormson - 09-13-2013, 01:22 AM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (2)

Curious, do you need to own any of the pathfinder books to make use of the info on the site? I've not played pathfinder before, and closest thing I've had to the d20 gameplay is probably NWN1 and 2 by bioware and obsidian.

I mean, I read the class descriptions, and get how the the abilities work somewhat, but Im not sure if Im getting it right, and wondering if that gap might be because I simply don't have the Pathfinder rules/book handy.

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  Fix "white monk" if possible
Posted by: kenki - 08-25-2013, 08:09 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (1)

One of my players is playing a white monk while they have ungodly AC, they seem just a touch lacking in the "to hit and damage" department even a white mage might have a chuckle at them. Pre-BAB nerf.. the BAB nerf actually made it worse on him on thinks that should be semi hittable. (Ie: it doesn't feel like he is playing even slightly a monk when he is supposed to be part monk.) Also, I was wondering what abilitys off the monk class do they get. (Outside of casting white magic class spells, it wasn't fully defined what they get off the monk class.. outside of the "martial art's ability being removed"

It kinda makes it confusing to understand if they get the styles and other things a standard monk gets or not.

(No other notice of issues from the other archetypes, outside gun-mage, which just needed a rules clarification that their channeling a bullet works like a red-mages ability.)

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Posted by: Viladin - 07-26-2013, 04:27 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (2)

2d6+5 rolled for a total of: 14 (4, 5, +5)

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  Lack of information
Posted by: Raybras - 03-30-2013, 02:00 AM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (1)

i find it sad that it is nearly impossible to pull out much information on Burmecians/Cleyrans. If there were enough of it, i'd try to make a racial sheet for them.

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  Happy New Year, FFd20!
Posted by: ZeronosVega - 12-31-2012, 08:58 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (3)

Just as the title says, I wanted to wish the FFd20 community a Happy New Year!

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  final fantasy books
Posted by: Creagán - 12-18-2012, 08:28 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (1)

i am looking for pdf files for all final fantasy d20 settings. can anyone give ne a download link for them? also i am looking to start a campeign up if anyone in jackson MI wants to join

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