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First of all, long time tabletop player, and I played/DMed Pathfinder for several years. Oddly enough, I'm not a fan of Pathfinder, I've come to prefer other systems (including 3.5) over PF, but I've kept up with this site maniacally for like 2 years now, and I've told my group multiple times if they ever want to do PF again it has to be this, because it's great.

That being said, I've been scrounging the site and the forums and I've had trouble finding a clear-cut description of how multiclassing two classes that both have spell casting would function. E.g., something like a Holy Knight/White Mage. I did see that MP pools together, so you would share MP between classes, but that each has its own spell list. I am assuming that if both classes share a spell (White Mage has Cure III as 3rd level, Holy Knight has it as 4th level) you choose which version you're casting when you cast it. Correct?

Unless I'm off somewhere else, I think I just have one question left I think. Do you get full bonus MP for ability score for both classes?

Is there a page for this info on the site?

Thanks for the look
(10-27-2015, 01:38 PM)paroikos Wrote: First of all, long time tabletop player, and I played/DMed Pathfinder for several years. Oddly enough, I'm not a fan of Pathfinder, I've come to prefer other systems (including 3.5) over PF, but I've kept up with this site maniacally for like 2 years now, and I've told my group multiple times if they ever want to do PF again it has to be this, because it's great.

That being said, I've been scrounging the site and the forums and I've had trouble finding a clear-cut description of how multiclassing two classes that both have spell casting would function. E.g., something like a Holy Knight/White Mage. I did see that MP pools together, so you would share MP between classes, but that each has its own spell list. I am assuming that if both classes share a spell (White Mage has Cure III as 3rd level, Holy Knight has it as 4th level) you choose which version you're casting when you cast it. Correct?

Unless I'm off somewhere else, I think I just have one question left I think. Do you get full bonus MP for ability score for both classes?

Is there a page for this info on the site?

Thanks for the look
Holy knight has cure 3 at third same as white mage from the list im seeing. But assuming they was different, you would just use it as the class you got it with using its caster level, etc. You'd want to use the caster list you got it earlier anyways. caster level bonuses and all that jazz.

I know the bonus MP doesn't stack on each other normally. BUT i THINK you would gain the bonus mp the time you leveled with that class. So say a Holy Knight 5/White mage 3. CHA 18.
At 5th level Holy knight he would have a total bonus MP of 6. When he gets white mage to 3 (Level total: 8) he would have another bonus of 3. Its not a real issue since your level part mage there, it would make sense. Even if you went full Holy knight it would be a total bonus of 8. While a Holy knight 5/Whm3 gains 9 bonus mp. So unless someone tells me otherwise thats my assumption.

There is a multi-class section here:

Other than that, thats all i got for ya. Hope it helps. And Welcome! I personally prefer this over any tabletop game at this point lol.
You're right about Cure III, I was thinking about Cura, which is different levels on the two classes.

The reason I looked at those two classes was that they use different casting stats. As I typ that I suppose you might get bonus mp from both, since you get bonus spells in standard PF from both.
From what I remember and this might be off, but you would either choose which class you are using the spell from and use that stat...or simply go with the last class that increased that particular spellcasting. So if white mage was your last level, you would use that.
Not something that has necessarily been addressed, but if I had to make some assumptions... since MP pools, meaning you can use White Mage MP to cast Holy Knight Spells, we can't really use the method of just tracking them differently...

But a Wizard/Cleric in DnD gets bonus spells from both Int and Wis, so I can't see why this would not be the case for a multiclassed caster in FFd20.

Just remember to use your class level in each class on the bonus MP table, rather than full character level.

Now, if it WAS meant to be limited to one casting stat, using your total character level, then I'd say it uses whichever casting mod is for your Primary Casting class, not necessarily the one you took first, the one you have the most caster levels in. Holy Knight is class level -3 for casting, so in the above build it would be CL 2 for Holy Knight, CL 3 for White Mage, so you use White Mage level 8 to determine bonus MP.

So two options... I'd say go with the first one, DnD and Pathfinder may not normally allow you to swap spell slots but the freedom to do so between two classes in FFd20 isn't going to break any games. The casting here is much more simplistic, not gonna find any Druidzillas or Wizard Godlings, here magic just deals damage, heals people, buffs, and debuffs... some minor crowd control but nothing world shattering.
Everyone pretty much nailed it on the head, so I'm just going /wave at the new person. Smile Welcome!

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