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....Its been too long..


Hey guys, been awhile. Some issues came up with my life that I needed to take care of. So I noticed that Sonamancers, using their skill of being an ultimate siege weapon..don't get sundering on their primary attack, Mach 10. This..was a problem. So I fixed it! At level 3 sonamancers may use their Mach 10 as a sunder attack, and at level 6 they acquire the improved sunder feat, even if they do not meet the prerequisites.

Also, due to no sonic damage feats, I decided to allow the feats Extra Talent, and any feat that applies to a ranged attack, apply to Mach 10.

HD: D8 as chemist
Saves High Fort/Reflex as chemist
Base attack Bonus: as chemist
4+int skills
Class Skills:
Acrobatics, Diplomacy, Perception, Use Magic Device, Profession, Craft, Linguistics, Sense Motive
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Sonamancers are proficient with all simple weapons, and instruments, and when an instrument is wielded by a Sonamancer, all enhancements of an instrument is applied to the Mach 10. Sonamancers are only proficient with cloth armor, and no shields.
(Instruments are exotic two handed weapons, deal a 1d6, critical on a natural 20, and deal x2 critical modifier.)

(Limit Break)

Perfect Pitch

For 1 round plus 1 level per four sonamancer levels, the sonamancer is capable of utilizing mach 10 as a standard action, and adds 1 to her dc's. This requires a swift action to activate.

Sincere Rumore

The sonamancer releases a giant, burst of energy as a desperation effort. All enemies, and all objects, take 2d6, and an additional 2d6 per four class levels. All enemies are pushed back, until they are pushed out of the thirty foot radius. If any glass, porcelain, crystal, or fragile objects are in the area, they are destroyed. The push back is a DC 10 +1/2 class level + charisma modifier. This limit break requires a full round action to activate.

Mach 10:
At first level a sonamancer is capable of releasing a sound blast as a full round action. At level 1 it deals 2d6+Cha Mod Sonic Damage. This is a spell like ability with a range of 60 feet. This damage increases by two dice every four levels (Aka to 4d6 6d6 and so on), this is a spell like ability that is a ranged touch attack.
At 5th level Mach 10 has a five foot knockback against medium or smaller creatures, and may be used as a ranged sunder.
At 9th level the knockback increases to 10 ft, and must make a Dc of 10+1/2 CL + cha reflex save or fall prone
At 13th level the knockback increases to 15 ft, and may affect large or smaller creatures.
At 17th level, the knockback increases to 20ft.

Sona Familiarity
Also at first level, the sonamancer gains a specialized type of magic pool known as sona. The sonamancers pool is equal to their class level, plus their charisma modifier. The sonamancer gains talents every odd level (past the first)(shown at bottom of class page) to enhance her sonamancer abilities, these talents use your sonapool. They may also spend 1 sona point to grant them an additional +4 dodge bonus to AC.

Heightened Wave

In addition at first level, A sonamancer is highly trained at disrupting blows, and she has a sixth sense that lets her avoid even unanticipated attacks. When unarmored or wearing cloth armor and unencumbered, the Sonamancer adds her Charisma bonus (if any) to her AC and her CMD. In addition, a sonamancer gains a +1 bonus to AC and CMD at 4th level. This bonus increases by 1 for every four sonamancer levels thereafter, up to a maximum of +5 at 20th level. These bonuses to AC apply even against touch attacks or when the sonamancer is flat-footed. She loses these bonuses when she is immobilized or helpless, when she wears any armor besides cloth, when she carries a shield, or when she carries a medium or heavy load.

Sonic Armor

At second level, as long as you have at least one sona point in your pool you gain a +1 deflection bonus that increases by one for every four levels thereafter maximum of +5 at 18 level. Anytime the sonamancer uses an ability that deals sonic damage, this bonus is applied.

Ballista Blast

At level 3, the sonamancer may use their Mach 10 as a sunder attack, even from a range. At level 6 the sonamancer gains improved sunder as a bonus feat, even if they do no meet the prerequisites for it. When targeting any equipment with the "fragile" speciality, Mach 10 does double damage, and pentrates your class level of hardness.

Precise Sound

At fourth level, you gain the precise shot feat, but only for your combat abilities involving sound, or sonic damage.

Sonic Metamastery

At sixth level, twelve level, and eighteenth level, the sonamancer can get metamagic feats, that only apply to damage spells. The sona cost is equal to the mp level cost.

Sonic Structuring

At seventh level the sonamancer may spend one sona point to add their charisma modifier, as an immediate reaction, to one saving throw, until the
beginning of their next turn.

Explosive Repositioning:

At 8th level, as an immediate reaction, whenever an opponent misses an attack at you, you may release a tiny sound blast, and move five feet in one direction. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity, and the blast deals 1d4 + Cha Mod damage. At 16th level, this ability becomes a free action, and may be used a number of times equal to your attack of your opportunities per round, but only once per enemy per round.

Sonic Shielding

At level 11 you gain a sonic resistance you gain sonic resistance equal to your class level.

Sonic Assimilation

At level 19 you gain sonic immunity, and any sonic damage that you do not control, heals you for 1/3rd the damage that would be dealt.

Ultima Sona Conversion:

At level 20 a sonamancer becomes so attuned with their body, and their sonic capabilities. They permanently gain a +2 Charisma, a sonic walk, allowing them to walk on the sound-waves in the air, and Mach 10's range is doubled and all sonamancer talents cost one less, to a minimum of zero.


*Your mach 10 and other sonic abilities, ignore an amount of hardness equal to your class level, and deal full damage before applying hardness to objects, constructs, weapons, armor, or anything else that isn't made of flesh, phantom-like, scales, or basically anything that isn't living.

*Elements of the String, at the cost of two sona points, you may convert any source of damage either you, or your party controls into either sonic, wind, water, or earth damage.
This can be used as a swift, or immediate action. If you choose sonic damage, your bonuses apply to the source.

*Sonic Lance at the cost of one sona point, you may change mach 10 to a 250 ft range touch attack.

*Hideous Sound, at the cost of two sona points, if an enemy is damaged by your mach 10, you may instill a fear inside them. They are shaken for 1d4+cha mod rounds. This does not stack with itself to make your enemy frightened.

*Banshee's Wail, at the cost of one sona point, you may release mach 10 as a bellowing wail from your mouth, spreading out. Banshee's Wail will always be one half the range of your standard Mach 10. (Example, At level 20, Banshee's Wail would be a 60 ft cone, Otherwise, it is a 30 ft cone.) Enemies hit this way, are allowed a fortitude save for half damage. The DC is 10 +1/2 class level + charisma mod + 2

*Sonic Surge, at the cost of one sona point, you may add two sonic damage any sonic damage source you control. This damage is multiplied on a critical.

*Ghostly Wail, at the cost of two sona points, you may choose for your mach 10 to deal wisdom damage. If you do, reduce the damage down to a 1d8+cha, with no additional modifiers.

*Sight of Sound, if you take this trait, in pure darkness you are considered to have blindsight, up only to 30 feet. This only applies as long as you have at least one point in your sona pool.

*Sonic Discharge, at the cost of one sona point, you may release mach 10 as a giant shock-wave, effecting all enemies within one-fourth of your mach 10's natural range. Enemies hit this way, are allowed a fortitude save for half damage. The DC is 10 +1/2 class level + charisma mod + 2

*Phantasmal Sonic Steed Minimum Class Level 9
At the cost of one sona point, as a standard action, the sonamancer may use Phantom Steed as a spell like ability, lasting for 1 minute per class level, or until the sonamancer dismounts. In addition, the Phantom Steed may only be ridden by you.

*Hymn of Inspiration, at the cost of three sona points, you can turn your mach 10, into a healing symphony, encouraging allies around you to ignore, and regenerate their wounds. This ability effects all allies within thirty feet of you. You give all allies temporary hp, equal to 3/4ths your Mach 10's damage. Minimum Class Level 5

*Vocal Destruction, if you take this talent, you may, instead of spending one sona point, may spend five hp instead. By utilizing your own hyper voice, you release it within yourself, to channel your the cost of your own health. You may not burn hp to gain points, only to burn hp to spend FOR points.

*Hypersensitive Hearing, with this talent, a sonamancer only takes a -1 penalty to perception for each 50 feet the sonamancer is away from the source, instead of 10 feet.

*Shattering Sound
You may use two sona points to cast shatter as a spell-like ability.

*Echo Minimum Class Level 15
If you successfully hit someone with your Mach 10, they take 1/2 your mach 10's damage on the following round. If you miss, they take half damage, but with a fortitude save to negate.

*Sonic Strike
At the cost of two sona points, the sonamancer may add their mach 10 damage, to any melee attack. This must be declared before attacking. If it misses, the Sonic Strike remains however. This requires a swift action.

*Sonic Elementalization
Choose one of these forms. Snake. Dog. Bear. Owl. Ferret. As a swift action you may convert your body into a sonic elemental that appears as this form.
Snake allows you to make a bite attack for your mach 10, with a max range of 10ft. Dog allows you to make a claw attack, Bear allows for a charge attack, up to a range of 60ft, and owl allows for a flying charge, while ferret allows no combat, it gives a + 10 bonus to climb, survival, swim, and perception.
This ability costs 4 Sona Points, and Mach 10 Damage is normal on Snake and Dog. Charge rules apply for Bear and Owl. Also, all these forms grant a bonus 2 AC.
*Sonic Chain
At the cost of three sona points any Mach 10 may entangle an enemy, leaving them flat-footed, and unable to move. This includes charging, jumping, rolling, or etc.

Favored Races
Hume: + 1/4 damage to mach 10
Mithra:+1/2 to perception checks made with hearing
Galka: +1/2 damage to objects
Dwarf: Add +1 foot to the sonamancer's mach 10. This option has no effect unless the sonamancer has selected it 5 times (or another increment of 5); a range increment of 24 feet is effectively the same as a range increment of 20 feet, for example.
Moogle: 1/2 bonus on perception checks made with hearing
Vierra: Gains 1/6 of a sonamancer talent
Elvaan: 1/2 bonus on perception checks made with hearing
Gria: +1/2 damage to all sonic sources
TaruTaru: 1/2 bonus to the sonamancers sona pool

Sonamancer specific feats:

Extra Talent (Take an extra talent)

Sonic Burst - Prereq Class Level 4 Each Mach 10 that hits an enemies weapons or armor has a chance of dealing residual damage to the wielder. The wielder of weapon or armor makes a DC 10 + Cha + CL fortitude save. If they succeed their fortitude save, they only take 1/4th the residual damage. If they fail, they take 3/4ths the residual damage.

Magoi of the People - Prereq Diplomacy 7 ranks, Performance (Instrument) 5 ranks, CL 7
Benefit - You may use your Mach 10 as part of your performance, giving it a boost equal to your class level. You may also, use your instrumental performance as part of a negotiation, and in diplomacy checks, giving all diplomacy checks a boost equal to your ranks in perform.
Pretty interesting archetype. The post could use some formatting to make it easier to read though.
I'm also considering changing more abilities, giving it less of a monk theme if you will, even change how its martial arts work altogether, any thoughts?
The Monk feels like a REALLY weird class to try working this into...

Basing all Unarmed attacks and all Str/Wis class abilities off of Cha is a little too strong, the Monk has always been a MAD(multiple attribute dependencies) class, now you just need Cha and maybe Dex or Con.

Class abilities based off of Wisdom could work, exchanging one mental stat for another, but Str should still be its own thing and still be required. If you have low Str, go for Weapon Finesse- completely removing their physical stats is something that only Prestige Classes(like Phantom Blade) should be able to do, and even then it's pretty hard to balance.

The damage progression for Mach 10 is all it should get, I know the 8/15 time reductions were meant to mimic the Flurry gaining Improved and Greater TWF, but getting a spammable attack with pretty good damage compared to some spells is enough.

The monk in 3.5 had an ACF that replaced Flurry of Blows with a single attack that did double damage, meaning at 20th level it'd be 4d10+2*Str modifier, on a class that required them to spread their stats around evenly so achieving an insane str mod was not always easy.

Your archetype gets a Full-Round touch attack(much easier to hit) which at 20th level does 12d6+Cha mod, and with your planned features makes min/maxing Charisma insanely easy. To compare that's average 22+double str mod on normal AC vs average 42+cha mod on touch AC. I'd suggest adding a Fort save to halve the Mach 10 damage, charisma-based of course.

If anything... when I picture this I'd make it a charge-only move at first (building up momentum before releasing a sonic 'boom'), at 8th level you can use it as a full-round action at melee range, at 15th level it becomes a standard action, not sure if it needs the 4+Cha mod limit.

Hypersonic is really powerful. 2nd level and suddenly you can just sonic your way out of any grapple, any spell that entangles you, any effects that would normally cripple a low-level character. Really for the theme of superspeed sound related stuff, Fists of Wind fits pretty well- with speed bonus and uses/day based off of Charisma, of course.

Sound Pool: This got a little weird. Number of points, seems fine- basically a Cha-based Ki Pool. The ability to bypass certain DRs is where it starts to deviate... Magic? Makes sense, Sonic damage is typically magical in nature. Cold Iron? Silver? Lawful? Adamantine? I don't really see the connection to the power of Sound, and the class isn't really feeling like a Monastery-trained monk.

Adamantine could be argued since it's mostly for tearing through hard materials, which sonic damage is the best at (at least in 3.5, for PF all energy types are halved against objects), but the other materials and alignment feel out of place...

I'd say keep Magic and Adamantine, but at 8th, 12th, and 16th level it just gets a static +1d6 when attacking objects or constructs.

As for what you can spend Sona Points on... the weakened Mach 10 is eventually pointless since even on your base version you can use it a huge number of times per day as Standard or Move. If you follow my suggestions or work to a similar direction, it'd be even more pointless. My suggestion would be spending a Sona Point for something like an Elemental Fist ability. You spend a Sona Point and your attacks deal +1d6 Sonic damage, +1d6 for every 4 monk levels beyond 4th(max 5d6 at level 20). The 2 Sona Points and burning HP to multiply an unarmed die roll (do you mean the full attack? The base damage die? How much do you multiply it by?) is a little out there, and 5 HP eventually becomes a meaningless payment. It's out of left field, I'd suggest removing it altogether.

Shockwave seems fine, though for the theme I'd say make it sonic damage rather than non-elemental.

Move Like Water: I think it needs a different name, but otherwise this looks kind of fun. The damage being automatic and allowing no chance to reduce (such as missing with counterattack) seems a little off though. Maybe Fort halves damage, DC 10 + 1/2 class level + Cha mod

Bard Casting: This really needs to be redone... the White Monk gained White Mage casting, but only up to 6th level, and it took quite a bit out of the class. Giving them an actual MP pool and such might be a bit much, and gaining this at 11th level feels weird... but let's work with it.

They immediately learn two bard songs of levels 1, 2, 3, and 4. At 13th level they gain two 5th level Bard Songs, at 16th level they gain two 6th level bard songs. Performing a song costs 1 Sona Point per 2 spell levels(round up). So 1/2 cost one, 3/4 cost two, 5/6 cost three.

Getting Skill Focus out of the blue and suddenly requiring a skill the class has had no ties to beforehand is a little clunky, but if you know what you're getting into you can always take a few ranks beforehand I guess.

Pure Speed: Bonus movement? Monk already gets a ton but I guess this would keep the Sonamancer out above a normal one... getting a fly speed permanently though, even at 20th level with perfect maneuverability seems odd. The class has shown no inclination toward flight up till the capstone either... Sonic Immunity might make more sense, I guess? Or maybe some elemental traits as you turn partially into a 'sonic elemental'?
Like I said, this is just the roughest of drafts, Thanks though Darius, I appreciate the input. I knew Bard Casting had to be redone, and I'll start working on what the sona pool is spent on. As far as strength goes, I thought about it being a dex/cha based class, but maybe I took this way to far in gimmick. Mach 10: was designed to be a fast acting melee touch that requires full focus, but if you think that it should be switched to a charged action, and a standard action at eight, that I can do. As far as a save goes that can be reworked as well. And as far as Pure Speed goes, they are literlly riding a sound wave for there flight. But regardless, as I said, It can be reworked completely.
Not like I'd imply my own opinions are the end-all be-all for what needs to be done, they were simply my thoughts when comparing some of this to abilities as closely as I can but... for the most part a lot of this is pretty unique. Nice, but it makes setting it out more difficult.

It doesn't really feel like anything from the Monk is being capitalized on with this class, in honesty I feel like you'd have an easier time making this a Bard archetype. Mach 10 is typically better than unarmed full-attacks with Flurry gone, and you were even saying you were thinking of reworking/replacing the martial arts styles.

Just a thought, Bard would be a more fitting base class... though it's also sort of attack-oriented so maybe something with average BAB.

I feel like I fall back onto this one a little too often, but maybe Red Mage? Bard casting in place of Red Mage list, Arcane Pool can be used for Sona Point stuff, Ruby Arcanas and Spellstrike can be replaced with Mach 10 and Hypersonic maybe... and it's already a Cha-class. Getting cha for attack isn't implausible, for any class, but getting it to damage(on standard weapons, that is) as well is a lot more than it might seem like at first glance.
I was debating between this being a bard archtype, or a monk archtype for several reasons. This is based off my ultimate dream, in a fantasy setting. The ability to control sound, and use it to influence my body's own movement, and ability. Red mage has WAAAAY to many archtypes already anyway, but I can easily convert this into a bard archtype...or perhaps its own special class that isn't influenced with other classes abilities in anyway.
Being its own class could work.

d8 HD
Average BAB
Good Fort and either Reflex or Will
6th level bard casting? Maybe even more limited?
Moderate skill number, though probably doesn't need as expansive or as many ranks as the Bard

Maybe a flat bonus of 1/2 level on all Perform checks(not just sing) could work as a 1st level ability...

And since we're moving out of a melee class, I might mention that Mach 10 could REALLY work well as a Ranged effect (fort half, no attack roll). You could work out talents every 3rd level, like the ability to make Mach 10 into a Ranged Touch Attack, or spending Sona Points to make it AoE(like a clap of the hands that hits a cone, or a banshee wail that hits a line).

Only reason keeping it melee might be a good idea is since being ranged might make Hypersonic pointless- though there are other abilities that could be made for this.

I think progressive Fast Movement and Slow Fall could still work for the class as you use sound waves to speed yourself or cushion falls. Flight still seems a little hard to manage with perfect maneuverability, one of the lower ones that requires movement (like poor/average) to stay aloft makes more sense if it's based off speed.

If a full-fledged MP pool wasn't what you were going for you could also just give them Bard Song-Like abilities or something.
Dai will nick-pick you to death over details! TO DEATH! /flees.
Leaving aside balance issues, the class doesn't exactly make sense with a monk archetype. I could see maybe making an elemental based monk as a PrC, and have some influence from Avatar: The Last Airbender (the cartoon, not the movie) for the abilities. That could even possibly be broken into four different ones for each element.

However as it is, nothing about what you made makes me think monk. Possibly Bard. Or edit it and make it a PrC, but what you have does not seem like a base class or a monk to me.

I wish you luck in your thought and revisions. I look forward to your future work.
So far I'm beginning more and more to make it lean towards a base class..
You also need to consider does it fit into the Final Fantasy genre? I know a lot of interesting things could be created, but, at least for myself, creations should resemble something in the form of Final Fantasy. Something to consider, and you could just fluff up the story of the class originating from some monastary out in some city's land. Just have it make sense some how Smile

I trust you will make good decisions.
(10-03-2014, 04:52 PM)Viladin Wrote: Dai will nick-pick you to death over details! TO DEATH! /flees.

Not that I enjoy proving Vil right but... *nit-pick >.>
(10-03-2014, 06:50 PM)dairius_chi Wrote:
(10-03-2014, 04:52 PM)Viladin Wrote: Dai will nick-pick you to death over details! TO DEATH! /flees.

Not that I enjoy proving Vil right but... *nit-pick >.>

This made me smile; it amused me more than it should have.
(10-03-2014, 06:50 PM)dairius_chi Wrote:
(10-03-2014, 04:52 PM)Viladin Wrote: Dai will nick-pick you to death over details! TO DEATH! /flees.

Not that I enjoy proving Vil right but... *nit-pick >.>

No, I was right. It was a double meaning, NICK, as in you-know-who. :p
So to answer questions, I found how a Sonic Mage, essentially can fit into the final fantasy universe. I found it as a way of emitting simple force, and a type of wind magic if you will. Utilizing mana in the sound waves in the air, water, and solids, a sonamancer could speed up or slow down ones own vibration, and shockwave. Regardless though it sounds far fetched, but its a start. I've also started working on converting it to its own class.
In terms of getting it to fit in the universe. I remember seeing on GitP, a 'skittles' enhancement, which has the flavor that the four base elements formed together to produce sonic. Since so much of FF revolves around those elemental crystals, not all that far fetched. Just an idea.
Just noting a few things:

The save to avoid falling prone(for certain size foes) on Mach 10 is Reflex

Sonic Strike: You can use a swift-action in the same round as full-round, so basically it'd just be a full-round action costing 1 sona point. Since you're forced to do a single attack as full-round also taking the swift action seems unnecessary.

Metamagic: We will be working out a complete list, but for the moment it basically would be Empower, Maximize, Chain, and... forget name, but allows you to change the energy type of a spell.

Sonic Restructuring: The concept I had was you spend a Sona point as an Immediate action to boost a SINGLE save(Fort, Ref, or Will) by your cha mod, until the beginning of your next round. Perhaps a talent could be allowing it to work on others as well.

Explosive Repositioning: What with other Immediate action class features, after reading what all we came up with I'm thinking it's a non/free-action, but once per round. 16th level upgrade doesn't need to be changed.

Instead of +20 land speed for the capstone, maybe just giving them a lowered progression of Monk's Fast Movement could be a way to go? Something like +5ft every time the monk gets +10ft.

Sorry, I know we talked about a lot of stuff over Skype so some of the double-checks skipped my mind :p

Also, it should be known for anyone following this class we're working on 'Talents'. Not sure we should just go with 'Sona Talents' or something like that, but name isn't the important part. These are gained at 3rd level and every odd level thereafter. Currently a few that alter the shape of Mach 10(short cone, shorter radius burst) etc. Just listing it since it's a feature that will allow the class to have some versatility and unique users... which has always been a major focus for me >.>
Lets start with Mach10. Since its a ranged touch attack, and it has unlimited uses per day(so far), I feel the damage should be a little more spread. Maybe a d12, and you get 1 more die every 3 levels instead of the 2d6 every 4 levels. You gain higher max damage faster, but the variation in damage will be greater. Its easier to hit the max damage on 2d6's than on a d12. Lets do a quick calculation:

Mach 10 - 2d6 + cha mod = 12 damage + 4 more damage from charisma (if you min max) at level 1, with a minimum of 6 damage (if you min max).

Black Mage's Fire spell - 1d6 + casting mod + 1 per level = 11 possible damage at level 1(if you min max), with a minimum of 6 (if you min max) (this is without the increased damage black magery) Most of the black mages damaging spells also have a saving throw to half the damage.

So right away you are fairly capable of competing with/out damaging a black mage at level 1, and at more than double the distance.

Both are ranged touch attacks so both are fairly easy to land a hit with, but 60ft at first level seems very strong for a touch attack, especially one you can use EVERY round.

So I feel it should be something like this: 1d12 + 1d12 every 3 levels. Dex Save DC 10 + Cha mod + 1/2 the sonamancer's level to halve the damage. Ranged touch attack 25 ft + 5 feet every 3 levels. This way the range increases at a steady pace, and the damage, while having a higher average, also has a wider variation.

At 20th Level you'll have 7d12 + cha mod + weapon damage at range 120ft. Which is still really strong.

The 4th level ability is neat, but still strong, hence the higher damage variation for mach 10.

Overall, I think the metamagic feats are overkill, not needed, especially since you already get bonus weapon damage. Replace them with talents or fighter bonus feats in my opinion. However, if the Sonamancer ends up having spells, I can see this working.

And finally, I feel the 8th level ability should not deal damage. I think instead of damage, it should be more like a feint, where the target that missed loses its Dex bonus to AC on your next attack.

Now lets talk weapon proficiencies. Simple weapons, and 2 or 3 melee martial weapons, like Scythe, Scimitar, or War Hammer. Why? Because the image I'm getting when i think about this class, fits these weapons.

Again this is all based on my opinion, and whether or not you decide to take any of my advice, I'm still interested in seeing where this is going.

@dairius - Sonamancery? Or perhaps Sonic Masteries?
Black Mage's also gain the ability to have more than one attack (spell) also, the black mages spells auto hit, with a save for half damage now. On top of this, if you understand how the fourth level ability works, it uses essentially a point, to imbue a sword strike or what have you, with that ability. At eight level, it deals barely any damage, plus its releasing a blast to relocate you. Regardless I appreciate the input.

Lets go back to Mach 10's damage for a second, and its range. This class has been designed to be a siege engine if you will. Its damage is calculated to be a 2d6+cha, with a full round action, at 60 feet range. Also, Its damage doesn't increase until level 5. So please compare a 4d6+cha with a blackmage's spells, and you'll realize that its a tad more fair. Its early scaling is powerful, but it simply becomes par overtime, when compared to other "mages" although this class, if you didn't notice, isn't a magic caster.

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