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Can I have help with the Alchemical Item cost equation
So.. I'm feeling stupid. Despite having asked something tangentiallly related to this before.

I have not problem figuring out the craft DC.
Craft Alchemy Roll.
Take Antidote.
DC 5 + 5 (Because I do not have the ability to caste Esuna)+CL (5 OR WOULD THIS BE 7? Esuna is level 4 white mage, they get acces at levle 7. I got this from teh Magic alphabet listings)
So total DC = 15 , Takes one hour to create. at absolute base. Unless somoene supplies me with the spell. That DC would be 10 (or add 2 depending on the CL answer)

and no matter what my own stats may be, the DC will never change because magic items assume BASE modifyer for DCs right?

But no matter how I try doing the math for the creation cost. I seem to mess it up.
As far as the above, and anything I've found the recipe should be pathfinder standard item creation cost yeah? These are efffectively Scrolls. So I assumed it was that.
So.. Could someone help me with this?
On the Alchemical Item page, Antidotes cost 100gil, CL5, requries Esuna, Price 100gil
Going by the scroll based crafting cost. 25x spell level x caster level
25x 4Spell level x 5 (or 7; see above)= 500.(700) Which is incorrect by that chart.

About that weird Esuna thing. Maybe its an error?
Lets try it with ARtic Wind now.
Blizzard II is a level 2 spell, which Blackmages get at level 5.
Artic Wind costs 200gil, CL5, Bliz 2.
25x2x5=250. So that doesn't work either.
So.. lets try this in reverse.
Cost= ZxSLxCL.

Lets try that 20 in.. lets go with Cure Potion. That is
Cure Potion CL 5th, Cure required, 100gil
Cure Spell level 1, and in this item CL5
So.. that works. BUT when I try a different thing. Say sleep.
Sleep, SL 1, CL3
20x1x3=60. But the price on that page is 75

Doing the equation from above again.
z=25 back to the paizo scroll stuff..

So really I just can't seem to get it down

I almost certainly will only make the preconstructed stuff on that page, using that prices, CL etc. But at this point I'm just annoyed that I can't seem to get this right.

Plus who knows maybe sometime I'll wanna make one at a different caster level. Although that is pretty sad way of paying a lot more money for just a little more damage so I really doubt I will ever. Would be different if I could craft and have their DC's run off my stats (could use poison effectively etc)


Well also. the Craft Alchemical Item feat mentions that the listed page are base prices. So that implies those are at the lowest CL they can be made at?
But as I mentioned above as near as I can tell Esuna could be cast at level 4. The rest seem to be accurate..
So is the spell listing Esuna, listed in the magic ABCs listing incorrect on the website?

Well I might as well ask here too while I am here.
Chemist gain Craft Alchemy feat at level 1.
Most of the CLs in the preestablished list, are at 3-5th level. The Craft Alchemical item also require Caster Level 3. But the Chemist bypasses this pre-req to get the feat.

So could they make the items before they have the Caster Level listed on the item page? Assuming they could make the DC roll.
If so. Would that roll add an extra 5 because their level is lower than the miniums on that item? Meaning they'd have to roll DC 20? (5 base 5 for spell lacking 5 for CL lacking 5 for CL)

Might just be easier to take the costs on that page as the only versions of them, and not try to figure out the costs for making different CL versions of it.
Just take it at half price, and follow the DC formula I mentioned way before this text wall. (ASSUMING I GOT THAT RIGHT)

Then just go with scrolls or materia for anything else.

I hope any of that makes sense...

Messages In This Thread
Can I have help with the Alchemical Item cost equation - by Zwordsman - 04-24-2016, 03:08 AM

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