05-01-2018, 11:12 PM
(05-01-2018, 07:12 PM)DTraveler Wrote: I have a friend who is planning to run a Freelancer in a game that I am running, but we were both wondering about how the Sword Saint's Swordplay/Swordskill is supposed to be priced. We came up with several possible ways to decide how it progresses (power tier, number known, number prepared, etc.) but none of them quite feel comfortable blaance-wise so I was wondering if there was an official answer.
On another note, is there some kind of etiquette guide on asking questions here? I actually have a lot of questions but I didn't want to just spam the forum with new topics.
Swordplay would be 10 for basic swordplay, 10 for any swordskill. 10 at 7th for advanced swordplay, 10 at 14th for master swordplay.
Can ask questions here no problem