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Cover (alternate Holy Knight ability)
About the expending an AOO to make the rolls against attacks, I would assume most people aiming to be a tank style Holy Knight will be using heavy armors with the most likely being full plate of which these will have a pretty low Max Dex Bonus of 1(or in the case of mithral full plate 3 and Celestial Plate Armor 6) and getting the combat reflexes feat, perhaps an alternative to increase the number of attacks they can mitigate? Perhaps base it on half or even full Charisma modifier maybe even make it based on the amount of AC their shield grants to make it more thematic to being a tank. Perhaps Strength or Constitution modifiers could also be considered or even the highest out of Charisma, Strength, and Constitution showing either a strength of body or a strength of faith.

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RE: Cover (alternate Holy Knight ability) - by Resgrath - 04-06-2018, 11:32 PM

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