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Chemist, VMC, and Mix (potential errror?)
not sure its really an error so much as perhaps odd?  not sure enough to not list in the offical one as this is a pretty long post. I did a quick check to see if it was asked or brought up somewhere but I wouldnt' be surprised if I missed it (heck with how often i talk about this class and adore many parts of this class, i wouldn't be surprised if i had brought it up and forgot about it and didn't see it)
Variant Multi Class for Chemist's lv 3 says this
Alchemy: At 3rd level, he adds his character level as a competence bonus on all Craft (alchemy) checks and can use Craft (alchemy) to identify potions.

The actual Chemist class.. grants none of the above as far as I can tell.  It doesn't grant competence bonus on craft alchemy, nor can a Chemist identify potions through the usage (now that I think about it. I am not sure they actually can at all?)  I might've missed it the few times i went over the class and used ctrl f. 
So the VMC currently grants it something that the class doesn't really have access to.  Which in and of itself isn't a real problem, but it is perhaps odd? and interesting that a VMC chemist can craft alchemical items better than the chemist class (assuming the vmc picked up the Craft Alch Item feat) assuming they sink the same amount of skill points in.

The utterly wonderful Mix class ability may want to clarify the Caster Level of the items created.    Currently it hits a situation of combining a lv 5 potion with a lv 8 potion to create a hi potion.. What level is that new item? I assume it effectively is a new item so the mixer can set the new item to whatever level is valid as per normal crafting of said item.  

Having a note about the dual effect, just being straight up the same two combined things as per their original levels, would be a good note.  
Also what occurs when the new item mixes an ingested, and a contact alchemical item? or an ingested and inhaled ?
 (. I have come across problems with both on occasion)

Is there a tier restriction to this ability? 
 "When creating a new alchemical item, the chemist must have two alchemical items of the same tier (1 or 2) which then creates any alchemical item of a higher tier"  this implies you can only combine (for dual effect or for higher tier) tier 1 and 2.  So you can not combined tier 3's to make a tier 4. Correct?
The DC listings list a DC 30 for tier 3--This is only for creating a Dual Effect item correct?
and Tier 4 items can not be effected by Mix to make a Dual Effect item correct?

Lastly.  A notation on combining-a combined item. (allowing or disallowing; iterations limitations, etc)
  I.e. step 1 making a Potion-Ether combo item. step 2making it again. and then step 3 combining those two into one combo item. resulting in a Potion-potion-ether-ether item.   or a multi combo attack one (artic wind X4 for instance). Is this intended to be allowed? 
I'm not sure if it is or isn't; it requires items on the tier. I'm not sure if techincally the combined items are not on the tier list (even if they are individually)?  
It might be something to make note of, otherwise it  allows for some... large effects with money and prep time. Which admittedly is very Final fantasy.

---Not an error but a comment i'll leave here.
I wonder if this was meant to exclude Pathfinder's Alchemical Items? (as it lists Tier's and Pathfinder's alchem items such as acid or alchemist's fire do not havea tier. unless its Tier 0 unrelated).  Might be interesting to open up the ability to  those items as well.
(I didn't do a forum search for this one as it just occured to me while I wrote this)
Just something I came across while looking up mix combos. Most of the Alchemical Item's are "contact" a few "inhaled"
So does that mean, one has to use a melee touch attack to use effects of say Artic Wind?
Or are these meant to be thrown-ranged touch attack effects? (and things like ingested at range can not work)
Before I noticed the contact/inahled/ingested notation. I had thought this items were just "hold in the hand, activate has the range of use as per the spell" like the game. but I guess they are suppose to be used with touch attacks or something? Which is a b it odd for the AoE ones like Dark Gems.

So how does one actually use alchemical items?
if they are meant to be on contact and such. they default to range 10 thrown items like any improvised thrown item right?
Then.. does the Chemist's Throw Alchemical Item skill allow them to throw it further than other classes? Though that ability specifies allies, not targets or enemies along with AC 10.

Random extra throw in. Mega-Item limit break is a standard action right? Shouldn't it be a swift in order to use the item? Until level 4, the item lasts for one round, Isn't one round from the start of your turn, to the beginning of your next turn? So you maximize the item... but it turns to normal before you get a standard action to use it. No? I feel like it was meant to be a swift action activation like perfect bomb.
Was reading Bombs from the above.. I don't think the website has the "users per day" listed anymore in the bombs.. It was Class Lv + Int per day?

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Chemist, VMC, and Mix (potential errror?) - by Zwordsman - 01-03-2018, 03:51 PM

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