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What grinds your gears?-Pathfinder Edition
I, for one, have found Pathfinder to be a much better version of the old 3.5 D&D. But, saying that, I do have some things that I nitpick at. My biggest is feats.

There are hundreds of them, but I feel like some are worthless, or just don't scale enough to justify a feat slot. Off the top of my head, I can think of "Arcane Strike" (Up to +5dmg at level 20 for a feat ,ew), "Human Spirit" (have to be Half Elf and use your first feat for a measly +1 skill points, to a max of 4), "Extra (Grit,Ki, and etc...)" (A +2 to that pool doesn't go as far as I feel a feat is worth), "Arcane Armor Proficiency (Any)" (having to use a swift action to reduce the chance of spell failure? No thanks, I like FFd20's much better).

Anyone else have anything that grinds their gears?

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What grinds your gears?-Pathfinder Edition - by Archmagel - 08-01-2015, 09:13 PM

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