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Well, with my Sonamancer mostly tweaked, and with this idea randomly coming to me in the shower, I am now working on a special mage class, that is proficient with no weapons, no armor besides cloth, but may instead animate weapons, and control multiple of them at time.

Of course this is going to come at restrictions, and is going to come with its own set of rules. But I'll update this (and the sonamancer) continually when I have my own time. Of course, I'll accept any feedback and ideas. But so far I'm thinking along with something along the lines of a tactician (from pathfinder) except using psionics, and instead of buffing people, it increases the damage of their animated weapons.

Without further ado, welcome to the world, of Lamimancers.

HD: D6
Saves: Strong Will, Medium Reflex, Weak Fort
Skill Points 6+Int
Proficiencies: As stated above, no weapons, no armor besides cloth (perhaps leather haven't fully decided) however, all animated weapons are considered to be proficient (aside from exotic, until level 15) and no shields aside from animated shields. (Any Animated Weapon is considered to be proficient with itself)

Class Skills: Autohypnosis, Craft, Diplomacy, Knowledge (Dungeneering), Knowledge, (Arcana), Knowledge (Planes) Perception, Profession, Ride, Spellcraft, Use Magic Device,

Stats required: Intelligence, Wisdom, Dexterity, and perhaps a little bit of charisma.
With much mental focus required, It makes no surprise that intelligence and wisdom are heavily required for a Lamimancer in fact, they might as well be considered pseudo-psionics.
Role in party: Lamimancers should be in the back line, walled behind their many, many, animated blades. Lamimancers work well with Engineer's, Knights, Fighter's, and Chemists, Sonamancers and they also work well with any magic class, provided a prominent front-line is available. They are considered striker's, with low emphasis on utility.

Every level a Lamimancer gains an animated weapon slot, able to one handed weapon. Two handed weapons require two slots.

Lamimancer's have an Animation Matrix for their animated blades. At first level it has a range of 30 feet, that scales 15 feet, for every two levels, after level two, a Lamimancer's Animated Weapons gains free movement while residing in the Animation Matrix.

At level two, the Lamimancer gains a Metallic Empathy, and then gains another Metallic empathy, every three levels after.

At third level, each Animated Weapon the Lamimancer controls, within his Animation Matrix gains a +1 hardness that increases by one for every four levels thereafter maximum of +5 at 19 level. Whenever a weapon within the Lamimancer's Animation Matrix attacks it gains this bonus as damage.

At fourth level the Lamimancer gains bonuses to his AC equal to the amount of Animated Weapons, in his close proximity. As a swift action the Lamimancer may call any number of weapons back to him, and gains a circumstance bonus, equal to the number of weapons around him, up to maximum of ten.

At fifth level, the Lamimancer gains the Swift Draw Feat even if it does not qualify for any prerequisites. At level 10 the feat increases to the Quick Draw feat, and the Lamimancer may draw any number of weapons from his mental scabbard a turn, and just with thought, as long as his mental scabbard on his person.

At sixth level, The Lamimancer may store his weapons inside a mental scabbard, allowing him to store all of his weapons, within his thoughts. He must draw them however, from a physical scabbard, on his person. This appears to be an empty scabbard to a normal person, however, One can make a D/C 10 + Lamimancer Class Level + Intelligence Spell craft check, to identify a Lamimancer's scabbard. You may only store your animated weapons inside your mental scabbard.

At eighth level the Lamimancer may steal an opponents weapon one + wisdom modifier per day, in order to replace his broken weapons.

At Ninth Level, If the Lamimancer may convert the elemental damage type of his choice. This choice is taken at ninth level, at my not be changed. As a swift action the Lamimancer may change his weapons type between his specified element, or non element.

At level 12 the Lamimancer gains the Craft Magic Weapons and Armor feat, and gain a 1/2 CL Bonus to its crafting skill.

At level 13 Any allies weapons within the Lamimancer's Animation Matrix gains the effects of the hardness and damage bonus.

At level 15 the Lamimancer may now animate Exotic Weaponry.

At level 20 the Lamimancer may create and destroy his weapons as a free action. The Lamimancer's Animation Matrix range is doubled, and all Metallic Empathys may apply to any and all allies weaponry, unless stated that empathy may only be used on animated weapons of X type.

Metallic Empathy Explained.

Metallic Empathy can be considered special powers. Lamimancer's don't view their weapons as just tools, but the Lamimancer, forges a bond, as if him and his weapons were alive. Metallic Empathys may be used 1/2 CL + Wisdom times per day, and may be used as a swift action.

List of Metallic Empathies

Transmute - You may convert your blades, as if they were made from another substance, to counter Damage Reduction.

Jacob's Cradle - If multiple weapons are near each other, they become currents of energy. As long as two or more weapons are withing 10 feet, they generate an electrical beam, that deals damage to enemies that they pass. This damage is a 1d6 + Intelligence roll, of which has a reflex save DC 10 + Wisdom +1/2 CL for half damage.

Metallic Symphony - You may use this Metallic Empathy to deal extra damage to constructs, and abberations. Whenever you strike with one of your Animated Weapons, against a construct or abberation, it deals an extra d6 + Wisdom modifier.

Blunted Ballistae - You may activate this Empathy only on Blunt Weapons. For this turn, each blunt weapon you control may deal non lethal damage, at no penalty. Also, if you choose to deal lethal damage, you may increase the critical to a x3.

Forcible (with)Draw- You may activate this Empathy whenever you control a mental scabbard. Immedeatly draw every weapon stored inside the scabbard. After level 10, when you activate this ability, you may give your weapons a +5 hardness and damage bonus, for the encounter.

Metallic Draconic Talon - Minimum Class level 15. You may convert all of your weapons into a metallic, chinese dragon, that you control. it deals a 1dX damage roll. Add up all of your weapons damage rolls. (For instance, 15 shortswords would be a 1d90 + The Number of weapons (15 in this example) + Intelligence) Due to the instability of the dragon, it only lasts 1d8 + Wisdom turns. Afterwords, all the weapons return to normal, within the mental scabbard.

Golem's Gauntlets - You may activate this empathy to convert two of your weapons into gauntlets of one size larger than yourself, and equipped to you. You are considered to have the Monkey Grip Feat, and considered to have the improve unarmed attack feat, and have +2 AC. These gauntlets do not count as animated weapons, nor may they be animated. You may cancel this ability at any time. If you do not cancel the ability, it is considered dispelled, once combat ends.

Aegis Slash - Activate this empathy, only on animated shields. The shield becomes a circular moon blade, but it is still a shield. Until the end of the encounter, the shield may be used as a 1d8 weapon that deals a 1d4 bleed damage on a critical.

Vorpal Malice - Activate this empathy, on animated swords. Each sword under your power gains a +10 circumstance bonus on attack rolls. Also, they are considered to be Keen, and to have the critical focus, and bleeding critical feats.

Diamond Dust - Whenever you activate this empathy, each weapon inside your matrix becomes blessed by Shiva. With Shiva's grace, and blessing, each weapon of your weapons gains the Frost, and Icy Burst enchantments, as well as increasing the critical multiplier by one. (x2 to x3 or x3 to x4)

Purophuros's Wish - Whenever you activate this empathy, each weapon inside your matrix become blessed by the god of the forge's himself. Each weapon's durability becomes fully restored. This can not restore the damage from sonic sources.

White Rabbit's Gambit - Activate this empathy only on animated daggers or knives. The damage of each knife or dagger is reduced down to a 1d4 piercing damage. This ignores all damage reduction, including epic. In addition, a number of these daggers up to the Limamancer's wisdom modifier, grant him 1d4 temporary hitpoints on hit.

Dogma of the Defiled - Blessed, or cursed by the devils of the abyss, each of your weapons get a bonus to damage, at the expense of your life. You take 2d6 damage. Each weapon within your animation matrix becomes infused, granting them an extra bonus equal to your wisdom modifier. In addition, if your target is good aligned, you deal an additional 1d6 non elemental damage. This bonus may not be multiplied on a critical, and has no effect if you yourself is good aligned.

Messages In This Thread
Lamimancer - by TheFrozenMoogle - 01-07-2015, 10:07 AM
RE: MasterMind Magi - by silverwerret - 01-07-2015, 12:41 PM
RE: Lamimancer - by TheFrozenMoogle - 01-07-2015, 02:30 PM
RE: Lamimancer - by TheFrozenMoogle - 01-08-2015, 08:25 AM

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