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Reaversworn (Dark Knight archetype)
When Odin was but a man- a very powerful man indeed, but still a man- his prowess as a dark knight was legendary, his swordsmanship having become the stuff of myth and legend. There are a select few who seek to follow his example, and rather than take part in the traditions of the typical dark knight they emphasize the Reaver Knight’s sword arm and the umbral techniques he practiced during his mortal years.

The reaversworn is an archetype of the dark knight class.

Class Skills: The reaversworn gains the class skills Perception (Wis), and Perform (dance) (Cha). He also gains 4 + Int modifier skill points per level.

This changes the class skills and skill points per level of the dark knight.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Reaversworn are proficient with all simple weapons, martial weapons, and knight swords, and with all armor (light, medium, and heavy) and shields (except tower shields).

This changes the dark knight’s weapon and armor proficiencies.

Limit Break (Su): At 1st level, the reaversworn receives a limit break.

Iron-Cutting Shadow (Su): This limit break allows the reaversworn to channel their inner darkness into their weapon and cast it at their enemies. As a full-round action, the reaversworn gives the Cursed condition to all enemies within 30 ft. + 5 ft. for every four levels past 1st, no save, and initiates a swordskill, applying the effects of the swordskill to all enemies who were Cursed by this limit break. All damage dealt by the swordskill is converted into shadow damage, plus an additional 1d6 for every four levels past 1st.

This replaces the Dark Force limit break.

Swordplay (Su): Though sword saints may claim to be the first to have mastered such abilities, weaponizing the spirit inside themselves and their swords is no longer a jealously-kept secret. A reaversworn takes part in the utilization of swordskills, learning swordskills and readying them as indicated on the table below:

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The sword is a material focus for all swordskills, though it doesn’t need to be crafted by the reaversworn. The reaversworn can use any swordskill he knows at will, provided he is wielding a sword. As long as he is wielding a sword he forged himself, increase the DCs of all his swordskills by 1.

The three forms of swordskills, in order of their relative power, are basic, advance, and master. A reaversworn begins with knowledge of two swordskills, which must be of the basic form. As a reaversworn gains levels, he can learn new swordskills. At 6th level, a reaversworn can learn advance forms, and at 12th level, he can learn master forms.

A reaversworn’s swordskills are supernatural abilities; using a swordskill is a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. If a target makes a successful Reflex save against a swordskill, they only take half damage from the swordskill, and all of the swordskill’s other effects are negated. The save DC for a basic form is 10 + ½ the reaversworn’s level + his Charisma modifier, the save DC for an advanced form is 12 + ½ the reaversworn’s level + his Charisma modifier, and the save DC for a master form is 14 + ½ the reaversworn’s level + his Charisma modifier.

A reaversworn can ready his starting swordskills, but as he advances in level and learns more swordskills, he must choose which swordskills to ready. He readies his swordskills by practicing weapon drills for 10 minutes. Reaversworn do not need to sleep or rest for any long period of time to ready their swordskills; anytime he spends 10 minutes practicing, he can change his readied swordskills. He may not ready any individual swordskill more than once. He begins an encounter with all readied swordskills unexpended, regardless of how many times he may have already used them since he chose them. When a reaversworn initiates a swordskill, he expends it for the current encounter, so each of his readied swordskills can be used once per encounter (until they are recovered, see below).

For a reaversworn to recover swordskills, he must perform one of two types of actions: sacrifice a number of hit points equal to half of his initiator level (rounded up) as a swift action, or spend a full-round action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity to flourish his weapon and steady the flow of darkness within. Doing either of these recovers a number of swordskills of his choice equal to his Charisma modifier (minimum of 2). Alternately, he may use a standard action to recover one swordskill he chooses.

This replaces spellcasting and dark sword techs.

Darkside (Su): This ability functions as normal, but also recovers a single swordskill of the reaversworn's choice at the beginning of each round that darkside is active, so long as the swordskill was not used the previous round. The damage bonus from this ability also applies to swordskills.

This modifies darkside.

Grim Stride (Ex): From the very beginning, reaversworn take many aspects of Odin’s fighting to heart, and one of the first is speed. At 1st level, the reaversworn is given a +10 ft. competence bonus to his base land speed, increasing by another 10 ft. at 10th level; this bonus is to be applied before modifying his movement speeds for the armor he wears or encumbrance.

This replaces grit stance.

Dark Embrace (Su): At 1st level, the reaversworn has learned how to mark their enemies for death, magically branding their foes. As a swift action, the reaversworn may select a single enemy within a range of Close (25 ft. + 5 ft. every two reaversworn levels) that they can detect, even through senses such as blindsense or tremorsense. That enemy is given the Cursed condition for a number of rounds equal to the reaversworn's Charisma modifier and considered 'embraced.' The reaversworn can embrace a number of creatures equal to his Charisma modifier (minimum 1), and may not embrace a creature he has already embraced until or unless the first embrace expires. Embraced creatures using the withdraw action provoke attacks of opportunity from the reaversworn.

In addition, the reaversworn automatically knows the position of creatures he has embraced. Any opponent the reaversworn can't see still has total concealment (50% miss chance), and he still suffers the miss chance when attacking creatures with concealment. The reaversworn is still denied his Dexterity bonus to his AC against attacks from embraced creatures he cannot see.

This replaces harm touch.

Bonus Feats: At 1st, 6th, 10th, 14th, and 18th level, the reaversworn may choose one combat feat as a bonus feat. He treats his reaversworn level - 3 as his effective fighter level when meeting prerequisites for feats. All prerequisites must be met before you take these feats.

This replaces abyssal arts.

Stamina Pool (Ex): At 1st level, a reaversworn gains a reservoir of stamina that he can draw upon to fuel his talents that he gains below. This stamina pool has a number of points equal to 5 x his Constitution modifier and this pool increases by 5 + his Constitution modifier per level. The pool refreshes once per day when the reaversworn rests for a full 8 hours. Sustained modes take up a static amount of stamina points from the reaversworn’s current and maximum stamina pool and most sustained modes stack. If he already has a stamina pool from another class, he only increases his pool by 5 + his Constitution modifier per level instead.

By spending 5 stamina points, the reaversworn can do one of the following:
  • Increase his speed by 10 feet for 1 round
  • Delay and suppress his fatigue or exhaustion for 1 round
  • Increase one saving throw by +1 for 1 round
Each of these powers is activated as a swift action.

This replaces shared offense.

First Into Battle (Ex): You can no longer expend a use of harm touch to act in a surprise round, but this ability also becomes an extraordinary ability instead of a supernatural ability.

This modifies first into battle.

Reaversworn Talents (Su): As a reaversworn gains experience, he learns a number of talents that aid him and his allies. Starting at 1st level, a reaversworn gains one reaversworn talent from any talent tree. He gains an additional reaversworn talent for every 2 levels of reaversworn attained after 1st level. A reaversworn cannot select an individual talent more than once. These are considered sword saint talents when determining the prerequisites and effects of the Extra Sword Saint Talent feat, following all rules thusly.

This replaces all defiles, last resort, and shadow wall.

Deathbringer (Su): At 20th level, a reaversworn has reached the peak of his fighting capability. He gains a master form swordskill called Deathbringer; this does not count towards his total swordskills known. He deals damage equal to a melee attack with the focus sword + twice his Charisma modifier + 6d8 shadow damage to a single creature within 20 feet, and inflicts the Doom status. If the target is Cursed, the swordskill deals +8d8 shadow damage instead, and the target dies upon failing the saving throw. By expending 25 hit points, the reaversworn may change the shadow damage dealt by this swordskill to non-elemental damage, or increase the DC by 2; he cannot expend 50 hit points to gain both effects. The death effect from a Cursed creature failing the saving throw is a necromantic death effect.

This replaces dark champion.

Code of Conduct: While most dark knights ascribe to a path of their own choosing, reaversworn follow a knight’s code, one that places honor above all else. They are to respect the deserving, and demand respect in turn. They are to take pride in their skill in combat, yet strive to be better. They are expected to boast honestly of their accomplishments, lest they be forgotten, but are to also be aware that bragging of deeds they have not done will bring them their just desserts, and they must accept their comeuppance with dignity. To back down from a challenge that is not a fool’s errand is an insult to oneself and to the challenger, and to allow any slight but a trifling one to pass is to show an unacceptable level of weakness. They are to respect laws that do not disrespect them first. They are to be courageous, but not foolish. Most importantly, a life lived without glory is no life at all, and if the opportunity to garner the glory they seek does not show itself, they are to seek out the opportunity themselves. Occasional minor breaches of this code can be forgiven, but gross transgressions are to be judged swiftly and harshly, robbing the reaversworn of all class features except for proficiencies, and they may not take any further levels as a reaversworn without atonement through committing some great, remarkable deed that would bring honor and respect to their name.

Though sword saints may claim to be the first to have mastered such abilities, weaponizing the spirit inside themselves and their swords is no longer a jealously-kept secret. The sword is a material focus for all swordskills, though it doesn’t need to be crafted by the reaversworn. The reaversworn can use any swordskill he knows at will, provided he is wielding a sword. As long as he is wielding a sword he forged himself, increase the DCs of all his swordskills by 1.

The three forms of swordskills, in order of their relative power, are basic, advance, and master. A reaversworn begins with knowledge of two swordskills, which must be of the basic form. As a reaversworn gains levels, he can learn new swordskills. At 6th level, a reaversworn can learn advance forms, and at 12th level, he can learn master forms.

Basic Forms
  • Crush Accessory: You deal damage equal to a melee attack using the focus sword to a single creature within 15 feet. One non-weapon, non-armor object of your choice in the creature’s possession takes the same amount of damage.
  • Doomsayer’s Slash: You deal damage equal to a melee attack using the focus sword + 1d8 shadow damage to a single creature within 20 feet; damage dealt by this swordskill ignores damage reduction.
  • Encroaching Darkness: You deal damage equal to a melee attack using the focus sword + twice your Charisma modifier to a single creature within 25 feet. That creature gains total concealment for 1 round and is blinded for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier.
  • Infernal Strike: You deal damage equal to a melee attack using the focus sword to a single creature within 15 feet. That creature loses 1d6 MP and you gain spell resistance equal to 10 + half your class level + twice the level of the MP lost for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier (you still gain SR even if the target had no MP to lose).
  • Lingering Edge: You deal damage equal to twice your Strength modifier to each creature in a 5-ft.-radius burst within 20 feet. A creature hit by lingering edge takes damage equal to your Strength modifier at the beginning of their turn for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier.
  • Magicsap: You deal damage equal to a melee attack using the focus sword + your Charisma modifier to a single creature within 20 feet. That creature’s caster level is reduced by 1d4 for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier (multiple reductions stack) and that creature must make a successful Concentration check with a DC equal to 10 + the save DC when it casts its next spell or the spell is disrupted.
  • Powersap: You deal damage equal to a melee attack using the focus sword + twice your Charisma modifier to a single creature within 20 feet. That creature takes 1d6 points of Strength damage if it failed the save.
  • Sanguine Sword: You deal damage equal to a melee attack using the focus sword to a single creature within 15 feet. You heal HP damage equal to the damage dealt.
Advance Forms
  • Abyssal Blade: You take 1d6 damage per two reaversworn levels you have and deal damage equal to a melee attack using the focus sword + twice your Charisma modifier to each creature within a 15-ft.-cone. A creature hit by Abyssal Blade within 10 feet takes additional damage equal to the damage you took and creatures within 5 feet take additional damage equal to twice the damage you took.
  • Crush Weapon: You deal damage equal to a melee attack using the focus sword to a single creature within 15 feet. Deal the same amount of damage to one weapon in wielded by the target creature. If the creature isn’t holding a weapon the creature takes extra damage equal to three times your Charisma modifier.
  • Disastrous Sweep: You deal shadow damage equal to a melee attack using the focus sword + two times your Charisma modifier to all creatures in a 20 ft. cone.
  • Mindsap: You deal damage equal to a melee attack using the focus sword + twice your Charisma modifier to a single creature within 20 feet. That creature takes your choice of 1d6 points of Intelligence damage, 1d6 points of Wisdom damage, or 1d6 points of Charisma damage if it failed the save.
  • Phantom Edge: You deal force damage equal to three times your Charisma modifier to a single creature within 30 feet. A creature hit by this technique takes force damage equal to your Charisma modifier for a number of rounds equal to half your sword saint level.
  • Speedsap: You deal damage equal to a melee attack using the focus sword + twice your Charisma modifier to a single creature within 20 feet. That creature under the effect of slow for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier.
Master Forms
  • Crushing Blow: You deal damage equal to a melee attack using the focus sword + four times your Charisma modifier to a single creature within 15 feet. That creature is stunned for 1 round.
  • Harrowing Slice: You deal damage equal to a melee attack using the focus sword as if it was a critical hit, adding any effects that come into play upon a critical hit as normal (such as the extra damage from a flaming burst weapon), to a single creature within 10 feet.
  • Night Sword: You deal damage equal to a melee attack using the focus sword + your Charisma modifier + 3d8 shadow damage to all creatures in a 10 ft. radius burst within a range of 30 feet.
  • Unholy Sacrifice: You take 1d6 damage per reaversworn level you have and deal that much damage + damage equal to a melee attack using the focus sword + twice your Charisma modifier to each creature within 15 feet. A creature hit by this technique is under the effect of slow for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier.
Reaversworn Talents
As a reaversworn gains experience, he learns a number of talents that aid him and his allies. Starting at 1st level, a reaversworn gains one reaversworn talent from any talent tree. He gains an additional reaversworn talent for every 2 levels of reaversworn attained after 1st level. A reaversworn cannot select an individual talent more than once. These are considered sword saint talents when determining the prerequisites and effects of the Extra Sword Saint Talent feat, following all rules thusly.

Bedeviler Talent Tree
Though otherwise honorable themselves, the reaversworn recognize that playing fair is playing oneself, and to not make advantages when they do not present themselves first may cost them the fight and their lives. These warriors hex their enemies to gain leverage in battle, and strike finishing blows on their debilitated enemies.
  • Bullying Strike: By spending 5 points of stamina as a swift action, the reaversworn empowers his weapon, making his next attack or swordskill used deal +1d6 damage. If the enemy is Cursed, the attack or swordskill instead deals +3d6 damage, and allows the reaversworn to make a bull rush, disarm, or trip attempt against the enemy as a free action.
  • Tormenting Strike: By spending 10 points of stamina instead, when activating the Bullying Strike talent, the enemy also takes bleed damage equal to ¼ of the reaversworn’s level. If the enemy is Cursed, they instead take bleed damage equal to ½ of the reaversworn’s level per round. In either case, the supernaturally malevolent nature of the bleed damage prevents it from stopping unless healed magically. Prerequisites: Bullying Strike, Reaversworn 7
  • Maddening Strike: By spending an additional 15 points of stamina, when activating the Bullying Strike or Tormenting Strike talent, the reaversworn increases the damage dealt to +3d6, dealing +6d6 to Cursed creatures, and if the enemy struck is Cursed, they must make a Will save (DC 10 + ½ class level + Charisma modifier) or suffer 1d6 damage to all of their mental ability scores. Prerequisites: Bullying Strike, Tormenting Strike, at least one other Bedeviler talent, Reaversworn 13
  • Chain of Fools: By spending 25 points of stamina as a swift action, the reaversworn can make his next attack inflict a spreading curse. The reaversworn’s next attack or swordskill forces a Will save (DC 10 + ½ class level + Charisma modifier) on the enemy struck; if they fail, the enemy is Cursed and Immobilized for a number of rounds equal to the reaversworn’s Charisma modifier. Any enemy that passes through a square adjacent to the affected enemy during that time must also make a Will save or be Cursed and Immobilized for a number of rounds equal to the reaversworn’s Charisma modifier. Only the initially affected creature spreads the effect in this manner. Prerequisite: At least one other Bedeviler talent, Reaversworn 11
  • Jinx Aura: As a swift action, the reaversworn may activate this talent as a sustained mode. All enemies with the Cursed condition within a 15 ft. radius of the reaversworn take a -2 penalty on attack rolls and damage rolls. This penalty increases to -4 at 8th level, and -6 at 16th. This sustained mode uses up 20 points of the reaversworn’s current and maximum stamina pool.
  • Traitor’s Aura: As a swift action, the reaversworn may activate this talent as a sustained mode. All enemies within a 15 ft. radius lose any insight, profane, or sacred bonuses they may have, and any enemies the reaversworn makes a successful melee attack against are Cursed for a number of rounds equal to his Charisma modifier. This sustained mode uses up 25 points of the reaversworn’s current and maximum stamina pool. Prerequisites: At least one other Bedeviler talent, Reaversworn 9
  • Fortune-Eater’s Aura: As a swift action, the reaversworn may activate this talent as a sustained mode. The reaversworn is made aware of all spells and other magical effects upon his enemies within a 15 ft. radius. At the beginning of each round, as a free action, he may make a Spellcraft check against one effect on one creature  within range (DC 11 + the effect’s caster level; if the effect has no caster level, the DC is 11 + ½ the user’s HD + the user’s Charisma modifier). If successful, the reaversworn suppresses the effect for a number of rounds equal to his Charisma modifier, and may apply the effect to any willing ally within range. This sustained mode uses up 30 points of the reaversworn’s current and maximum stamina pool. Prerequisites: At least two other Bedeviler talents, Reaversworn 15
  • Sinking Doubt: As an immediate action, the reaversworn may spend 10 stamina points to make a Spellcraft check when targeted with an attack. If the check equals or surpasses the attack roll, then the attack is negated, and the one attacking the reaversworn is Cursed and suffers a -4 penalty on a number of the next d20 rolls they make equal to the reaversworn’s Charisma modifier.
  • Pinned Doll: As an immediate action, whenever an enemy within a range of 60 ft. makes any form of movement (including such circumstances as being bull rushed, pushed by a spell, etcetera), the reaversworn may spend 15 stamina points to end the enemy’s movement at any point. Flying enemies fall to the ground, taking falling damage as appropriate. The target must make a Will save (DC 10 + ½ class level + Charisma modifier) to avoid these effects; Cursed creatures receive no saving throw. Prerequisite: Reaversworn 9
  • Eye for an Eye: As an immediate action, upon being struck by an attack or failing a saving throw from a hostile ability, the reaversworn may spend 20 stamina points. The creature originating the attack or effect suffers all damage and effects inflicted upon reaversworn, just as if they’d targeted themselves. This talent only duplicates the effects you suffered on the creature, not the entire effect. Prerequisite: At least one other Bedeviler talent, Reaversworn 11
Brilliant Sword Talent Tree
Though at first one may not think it, one thing that the reaversworn practice is dancing, treating the battlefield as their floor, for with dancing comes swiftness, and with the swiftness of a blade comes the swift end of their enemies.
  • Iron Flash: By spending 5 points of stamina as a swift action, the reaversworn replaces the range of his next melee attack or swordskill a range of Close (25 ft. + 5 ft. for every two class levels); this does not affect the area of effect of any swordskills it is used for, only the range. If his weapon was sheathed and he draws it as part of the attack or swordskill initiation, the attack or swordskill does an additional 2d6 damage.
  • Mythril Flash: By spending an additional 5 stamina points, when using the Iron Flash talent, the reaversworn may make a free bull rush, disarm, sunder, or trip attempt on the target that does not provoke attacks of opportunity, adding his Charisma modifier to his CMB. If his weapon was sheathed and he draws it as part of the attack or swordskill initiation, the attack or swordskill does an additional 4d6 damage instead of 2d6. Prerequisite: Iron Flash
  • Adamant Flash: By spending an additional 10 stamina points, when using the Iron Flash talent, the reaversworn bypasses all damage reduction and hardness with their attack or swordskill. If his weapon was sheathed and he draws it as part of the attack or swordskill initiation, the attack or swordskill does an additional 6d6 damage instead of 2d6; this talent cannot be used in conjunction with the Mythril Flash talent. Prerequisites: Iron Flash, Mythril Flash, Reaversworn 7
  • Reaching Blade: As a swift action, the reaversworn may activate this talent as a sustained mode. While this mode is active, the reach of all of his weapons gains a 5 ft. increase. If his weapon was sheathed and he draws it as part of an attack or swordskill initiation while this sustained mode is active, he gains a +2 competence bonus on his attack roll or increases the DC of his swordskill by 1. This sustained mode uses up 15 points of the reaversworn’s current and maximum stamina pool.
  • Dancing Blade: As a swift action, the reaversworn may activate this talent as a sustained mode. While this mode is active, he gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC that increases by +1 for every four reaversworn levels, and gives a +2 competence bonus to his initiative that increases by +1 for every six levels. This sustained mode uses up 20 points of the reaversworn’s current and maximum stamina pool. Prerequisites: At least one Brilliant Sword talent, Reaversworn 5
  • Readied Blade: Whenever the reaversworn is in a sustained mode from the Brilliant Sword tree, he may sheathe his weapon as a free action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity once per round. He may do this twice at 8th level, and three times per round at 16th level. 
  • Singing Blade: As a swift action, the reaversworn may activate this talent as a sustained mode. While this mode is active, he increases his base land speed by 10 feet, and gains a competence bonus to his AC equal to his Charisma modifier against attacks of opportunity. When targeted by an attack of opportunity, he may make an attack of opportunity in return against the one attacking him first. This sustained mode uses up 30 points of the reaversworn’s current and maximum stamina pool. Prerequisites: At least two Brilliant Sword talents, Reaversworn 13
  • Glimmering Dance: As an immediate action, the reaversworn may spend 5 stamina points to make a Perform (dance) check when targeted by an attack. If the check matches or exceeds the attack roll, the attack misses and the reaversworn may take a free 5 ft. step.
  • Illuminating Dance: When activating the Glimmering Dance talent, the reaversworn may spend an additional 5 stamina points to move 10 feet instead as a free action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. If he has a sheathed weapon, he may draw it and make a free attack with it before making this movement, but only so long as the one who attacked him is within melee range. Prerequisites: Glimmering Dance, Reaversworn 7
  • Brilliant Dance: As an immediate action, the reaversworn may spend 10 stamina points when making a saving throw to replace the saving throw with a Perform (dance) check. If the check is successful, then he may immediately move adjacently to the enemy who triggered the saving throw, regardless of distance, so long as the enemy is in sight; this movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. If he has a sheathed weapon, he may draw it and make a free attack against the enemy that deals +3d6 damage if successful. Prerequisites: Glimmering Dance, Illuminating Dance, Reaversworn 11
Crimson Einhander
As a knight, you have superiority not only in station, but also in skill, and are to show it. Little can be more humiliating for one’s enemies than to be equipped so well as to believe themselves invincible, and be defeated by a man with naught but a single sword in hand, tossed aside like so much fodder. This sense of pride and poise has become a fighting style in its own right, befitting the reaversworn lifestyle perfectly. The reaversworn can only use these talents when only wielding a weapon; having one of his hands occupied with more than the handle of his weapon or being equipped with a shield any larger than a buckler prevents the use of these talents. If the reaversworn is wielding his weapon one-handedly and has the other hand completely free, he gains a +2 bonus on any d20 rolls involved with these talents.
  • Strongarm: So long as the reaversworn wields his weapon one-handedly with nothing in his other hand, he adds 1½ times his Strength modifier to damage, and treats his attacks as two-handed if beneficial when determining the effects of feats and other abilities (such as Power Attack). Prerequisites: At least one other Crimson Einhander talent, Reaversworn 3
  • Noble Sword: By spending 15 points of stamina as a swift action, the reaversworn looks for an opening in his enemy’s defenses with a Sense Motive check in place of his next attack roll. If the check equals or surpasses the target’s AC, then the attack is successful, and all damage dealt by it is doubled. As a skill check, rolling a natural 1 does not automatically make the attack fail, nor does a natural 20 make the attack automatically hit, and critical hits do not apply. This talent cannot be applied to swordskills. Prerequisite: Reaversworn 5
  • Royal Sword: By spending 25 points of stamina instead, when activating the Noble Sword talent, the reaversworn deals triple damage with the attack. Prerequisites: Noble Sword, Reaversworn 9
  • Emperor’s Sword: By spending 40 points of stamina instead, when activating the Noble Sword talent, the reaversworn deals quadruple damage with the attack. Prerequisites: Noble Sword, Royal Sword, Reaversworn 15
  • Sanguine Lords: As a swift action, the reaversworn may activate this talent as a sustained mode. While this mode is active, as long as his weapon is being wielded one-handedly and his other hand is unoccupied, the reaversworn gains a +2 shield bonus to his AC and all melee attacks made and swordskills used with that weapon deal +1d6 damage. The shield bonus and extra damage increase to +3 and +2d6 at 8th level, then again to +4 and +3d6 at 16th level. This mode cannot be used at the same time as Sanguine Ladies, until the reaversworn is 8th level. This sustained mode uses up 15 points of the reaversworn’s current and maximum stamina pool. Prerequisite: At least one other Crimson Einhander talent
  • Sanguine Ladies: As a swift action, the reaversworn may activate this talent as a sustained mode. While this mode is active, he gains a +3 insight bonus to his AC, CMD, attack rolls, and initiative. The insight bonus increases to +4 at 8th level, then again to +5 at 16th level. This mode cannot be used at the same time as Sanguine Lords, until the reaversworn is 8th level. This sustained mode uses up 15 points of the reaversworn’s current and maximum stamina pool. Prerequisite: At least one other Crimson Einhander talent
  • Sanguine Lieges: Whenever the reaversworn is attacked while either Sanguine Lords or Sanguine Ladies is active, the attacking creature must make a Will save (DC 10 + ½ class level + Charisma modifier). If they fail the save, then they are unable to target the reaversworn for one round, hesitating in awe of his glory, although the action is not wasted. If they succeed on the save and the attack hits, they are immune to this effect from the reaversworn for 24 hours. If they succeed on the save but fail to hit, they are still subject to further Will saves from continued attacks. This is a mind-affecting effect. Prerequisites: Sanguine Lords, Sanguine Ladies, Reaversworn 13
  • Scarlet Sentinel: As an immediate action, when affected by one or more of the status ailments listed below, the reaversworn may spend 15 stamina points to ignore and suppress an effect of his choice for a number of rounds equal to his Charisma modifier: Berserk, Blinded, Burning, Confused, Cowering, Cursed, Dazed, Dazzled, Deafened, Deprotect, Deshell, Dimmed, Disabled, Disease, Doom, Drenched, Exhausted, Fascinated, Fatigued, Frightened, Frog, Frozen, Immobilized, Imperil, Mini, Nauseated, Panicked, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned, Sapped, Shaken, Sickened, Squalled, Static, Stunned, or Weighted. He must be able to perform the immediate action necessary to use this talent. If he is about to suffer the effect being placed on him, he may opt to use this talent and suppress the effect just before it applies, thereby ignoring it as soon as it begins. If the condition has a duration that would expire before the use of this talent, then the effect is negated. If the effect would have continue to have effect after the duration of this talent expires, then the subject suffers the remaining duration of that effect as normal after the talent ends. Prerequisites: At least two other Crimson Einhander talents, Reaversworn 9
  • Unbeatable Poise: As an immediate action, when targeted by an attack roll, the reaversworn may spend 10 stamina points to make an attack roll in turn. If the reaversworn’s attack roll exceeds that of the enemy, the enemy’s attack is negated, and the reaversworn makes an attack on the enemy using the roll that negated the enemy’s attack.
  • Unshakeable Resolve: As an immediate action, the reaversworn may spend 10 stamina points to make a Sense Motive check, using the result of the check in place of his saving throw.
Einherjar Talent Tree
What would a dark knight who wishes to fight like Odin be without a style that was based on the Reaver Knight himself? These techniques emphasize either Odin’s brand of fighting or his legendary history, and in many cases both.
  • Bladethirst: Once per round, by forgoing the flat bonus damage granted by ability modifiers, Power Attack, and other feats and abilities that grant other forms of flat bonus damage (excepting his weapon’s enhancement bonus, and the bonus damage from swordskills and talents) until the beginning of her next turn, the reaversworn may heal that much damage upon making his next successful attack before his next turn. For example, a 5th-level reaversworn with a Strength score of 18 using a longsword one-handed and making use of Power Attack would not add +8 damage to his attack, but would heal 8 hit points instead.
  • Saber’s Edge: By spending 5 points of stamina as a swift action, the reaversworn gains a competence bonus to his next melee attack roll equal to his Charisma modifier, or a like bonus to damage with his next swordskill.
  • Lethal Edge: By spending an additional 10 points of stamina, when using the Saber’s Edge talent, the reaversworn’s next melee attack or swordskill also deals +4d6 damage; this damage is not multiplied on a critical hit. Prerequisites: Saber’s Edge, Reaversworn 5 
  • Infinitesimal Edge: By spending 20 points of stamina instead, when using the Saber’s Edge talent, the reaversworn considers their next melee attack a confirmed critical (if the attack hits), rather than gaining a competence bonus on the attack roll, or still deals full damage with his next swordskill, even if the enemy’s saving throw is successful. Prerequisite: Saber’s Edge, Lethal Edge, Reaversworn 9
  • Swordsong: As a swift action, the reaversworn may activate this talent as a sustained moed. While this mode is active, by expending another 5 hit points, the reaversworn can change the shadow damage dealt by his soul eater ability into non-elemental damage. At At 12th level, he may expend 20 hit points instead of 10 when using soul eater to increase the shadow damage to 10d6 upon making his first attack each round. These effects may stack, but so does their total cost, e.g. a 12th-level reaversworn using all of the abilities would lose 25 hit points when using soul eater. This sustained mode uses up 15 points of the reaversworn’s current and maximum stamina pool. Prerequisites: Soul Eater, Reaversworn 5
  • Brandish Death: As a swift action, the reaversworn may activate this talent as a sustained mode. While this mode is active, the reaversworn may make one Perception check per round as a free action; any creature moving within 30 feet whose Armor Class is matched or exceeded by the Perception check provokes an attack of opportunity, and he may make a number of attacks of opportunity in this manner equal to his Charisma modifier at maximum. He automatically moves within melee range of the enemy, and does not provoke attacks of opportunity for this movement. When making an attack of opportunity against a creature with the Cursed condition, he may activate any single reaversworn talent that requires no more than a swift action, doing so as a free action as part of that attack, but he must have the stamina available to use it. These effects only apply to attacks of opportunity provoked by this stance, not ones sourced from other means, such as the Combat Reflexes feat. This sustained mode uses up 30 points of the reaversworn’s current and maximum stamina pool. Prerequisite: Reaversworn 11
  • Gungnir: As a swift action, the reaversworn may activate this talent as a sustained mode. While this mode is active, the reaversworn may use swordskills and talents that require a sword while equipped with a melee weapon from the spears weapon group, rather than a sword, and also gains a +2 competence bonus on attack rolls with spears. If the reaversworn crafted the spear himself, the DCs of his swordskills increase by 1. This sustained mode uses up 10 points of stamina from the reaversworn’s current and maximum stamina pool.
  • Gram: As an immediate action, when an enemy charges at the reaversworn, the reaversworn may spend 15 points of stamina to make a Perception check. If the check equals or exceeds the enemy’s attack roll, the reaversworn makes an attack of his own that concludes before the enemy’s, treating his weapon as though it has the bane enchantment specifically for that enemy. If the enemy’s hit points are brought to 0 or lower, or some other effect leaves the enemy unable to attack for whatever reason (such as an effect that dazes the enemy), the enemy’s attack is negated. Prerequisite: Reaversworn 5
  • Dainsleif: As an immediate action, when targeted by an attack roll, the reaversworn may spend 20 points of stamina to make a Perception check. If the check equals or exceeds the enemy’s attack roll, the reaversworn may use a readied basic form swordskill that concludes before the enemy’s attack, and deals an additional 1d6 bleed damage per round. This bleed damage cannot be healed by anything other than a magical healing effect greater than 3rd level. If the enemy’s hit points are brought to 0 or lower, the enemy’s attack is negated. The swordskill is expended after use, as normal. Prerequisite: Reaversworn 9  
  • Tyrfing: By spending an additional 10 points of stamina, when using the Dainsleif talent, the reaversworn may use an advanced form swordskill, and deals an additional 2d6 bleed damage instead of 1d6. Prerequisites: Dainsleif, Reaversworn 13
Okay, some serious updates have been made to the archetype, so as to keep up with the major overhaul of the Dark Knight base class.
Updated the swordskills, correcting and clarifying a few things.

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