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Lunarian race
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Racial Traits and RP
Type: Humanoid (lunarian) (0 RP)
Size: Medium (0 RP)
Base Speed: Normal (0 RP)
Ability Score Modifiers: Custom (2 RP)
Languages: Linguist (1 RP)
Feat and Skill: Skill Bonus x 2 (4 RP)
Magic: Magical Aptitude (3 RP)
Magic: Mana Adept (2 RP)
Magic: Psychic Force (2 RP)
Senses: Darkvision (60 ft.) (2 RP)
Weakness: Empathic Susceptibility (-1 RP)
Total: 15 RP

Hailing from the moon, as their name would suggest, lunarians are an ancient race that wields a wide variety of magical powers, and performs spectacular feats of an architectural and technological nature. With crystal as their trademark material, they are known for crafting items that channel and store all sorts of eldritch energy and enhance their already impressive abilities. Despite their long lives, which can span millennia, the lunarian race is a dwindling one, though they hope to leave their legacies in crystal before they pass.

Lunarian Racial Traits
  • Ability Score Racial Traits: No form of magic is beyond the grasp of a lunarian, but they are not especially strong or stout. They gain a +2 bonus to two mental ability scores (Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma), but take a -2 penalty to Strength and Constitution.
  • Size: Lunarians are Medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
  • Type: Lunarians are Humanoid creatures with the (Lunarian) subtype.
  • Base Speed: Lunarians have a base speed of 30 feet.
  • Languages: Lunarians begin play speaking Lunarian and Common. Lunarians with high Intelligence scores can choose any extra languages they want (aside from secret languages). See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.
Feat and Skill Racial Traits
  • Magic Artistry: Lunarians gain a +2 bonus on Knowledge (arcana) and Spellcraft checks.
Magical Racial Traits
  • Magical Aptitude: Lunarians gain a +2 racial bonus on caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance and a +2 racial bonus on dispel checks.
  • Mana Adept: When taking a level in a favored class that offers an MP pool, lunarians may opt to gain ½ MP instead of 1 hit point or skill point for their favored class bonus. When taking levels in classes that do not have MP or a caster level at 1st level, this option is still available, but does not grant the character a caster level or the ability to cast spells on its own.
  • Psychic Force: Lunarians gain a +2 racial bonus to the DC of any mind-affecting abilities they have.
Sense Racial Traits
  • Darkvision: Lunarians can see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.
Weakness Racial Traits
  • Empathic Susceptibility: Though they are magically powerful, lunarians’ minds resonate and harmonize with others of their kind, and this link makes it easier to penetrate one another’s mental faculties. All lunarians receive a -2 penalty to saving throws against mind-affecting effects from abilities used by another lunarian.
Alternate Racial Traits

The following alternate racial traits may be selected in place of one or more of the standard racial traits above. Consult your GM before selecting any of these new options.
  • Crystal Mastery: One of the most peculiar aspects of lunarian items and structures is their affinity for crystal. When crafting any sort of item out of crystal, a lunarian gains a +2 bonus on any Craft checks involved. When crafting magic items made of crystal, they gain a +2 bonus to their Spellcraft check, and reduce the total cost by 10%. This replaces magic artistry.
  • Dark Side of the Moon: Although it is a rare occurrence, there are lunarians who have had the taint of darkness in their hearts from the very beginning. Though this does not make them evil, they have a mastery of shadow magic that is fearsome indeed. Select one mental ability score (Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma); when dealing shadow damage through an ability or spell, the ability modifier bonus (if any) is added to the total damage dealt as a racial bonus, and ignores up to 5 points of resistance to shadow damage. All spells of the Dark school gain a +2 bonus to overcome spell resistance. This replaces magical aptitude.
  • Devoted Elementalist: Whereas most lunarians have a knack for psychic abilities, some happen to excel with aggressive, elemental magic instead. Any spells of the Elemental school cast by a lunarian gain a +2 racial bonus to any DCs they may have. This replaces psychic force.
  • Healing Specialist: A number of lunarians who lack the race’s typical affinity for mind-bending spells instead find themselves to be exceptional healers. Any spells of the Healing school that restore hit points add 1 hit point for each die rolled to the total damage healed. They also treat their caster level as two levels higher when removing negative status effects through spells. This replaces psychic force.
  • Lunar Effulgence: Some lunarians are known for the brilliant light that shines within their souls, blessing the very ground they tread upon as they pass. Select one mental ability score (Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma); when dealing holy damage through an ability or spell, the ability modifier bonus (if any) is added to the total damage dealt as a racial bonus, and ignores up to 5 points of resistance to holy damage. All spells of the Light school gain a +2 bonus to overcome spell resistance. This replaces magical aptitude.
  • Magic Tinkerer: Lunarians are widely known for their skill in crafting and operating their many machines, some of them better than others. You gain a +2 racial bonus on all Craft (mechanical), Knowledge (technology), and Use Magic Device checks. This replaces magic artistry.
  • Waning Bloodline: While lunarians who blend their genes with humes birth people of both great resilience and mental capacity, the results when propagating with other races are relatively mixed. Choose one race other than lunarian or hume; you gain a single +2 bonus to the race’s corresponding physical ability scores (Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution), and one to the race’s corresponding mental ability scores (Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma). However, you retain one +2 bonus to any single mental ability score of your choice that does not stack with the ability score bonus from the chosen race, and you also retain both your -2 penalty to Strength and Constitution and any single penalty from the other race. If the physical ability score bonus chosen is Strength or Constitution, then the penalty is negated, but you do not gain a bonus in its place. You also count as both lunarian and the race chosen for effects that target lunarians or the other race. This replaces their normal ability score bonuses.
  • Waxing Bloodline: The blood of humes and lunarians has a tendency to synergize and balance out their strengths and weaknesses. Lunarians who are half-human gain +2 Constitution and a +2 to any single mental ability score (Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma). They also count as both hume and lunarian for effects that target humes or lunarians. This replaces their normal ability score bonuses.
Favored Class Options

The following favored class options are available to all characters of this race who have the listed favored class, and unless otherwise stated, the bonus applies each time you select the favored class reward.

Astrologian: Add +⅙ of a die increase to the star globe’s damage.
Black Mage: Add +1 point of damage to any spells of one selected element (including non-elemental), up to +10 points of damage for any single element.
Blue Mage: Add +⅙ to all Knowledge skill checks.
Chemist: Add +⅕ increase to the DC of alchemical items they craft.
Cleric: Add +⅙ of an additional 1d6 to channel energy.
Dark Knight: Add +¼ to the DC of all abyssal arts.
Engineer: Add +¼ daily uses of repair.
Fencer: Add +⅙ dodge bonus to AC from duelist’s stance.
Fighter: Add +⅕ of a fighter talent.
Gambler: Add +¼ to their luck pool.
Geomancer: Add +⅙ of an additional 1d6 to geomancy damage.
Holy Knight: Add +¼ to the DC of all divine arts.
Illusionist: Add +¼ to their veil pool.
Knight: Add +⅙ to the AC bonus granted by shield block.
Necromancer: Add +½ of a hit point to the necromancer's harm touch ability (whether to heal or to harm).
Ninja: Add +¼ of a ninjutsu.
Red Mage: Add +⅕ of a ruby arcana.
Samurai: Add +⅕ of a bushido.
Scholar: Add +⅙ to the maximum MP that may be spent for the consume spells ability.
Summoner: Add +⅙ daily uses to the summon monster ability.
Time Mage: Add +½ mote per day. (One mote for every two times you select this option.)
White Mage: Add +½ of a hit point to the white mage's lay on hands ability (whether to heal or to harm).
I like it!
For waxing bloodline is the +2 con instead of the -2 or negating it?
Also just a bit of advice to make the necromancer and white mage Fvc bonus more user friendly: +1/2 damage/healing (identical to half elf paladin wording on d20pfsrd)
(08-19-2017, 03:00 PM)Biyama Wrote: For waxing bloodline is the +2 con instead of the -2 or negating it?
It's that you get the +2 instead; both Cecil and Golbez, the two examples of half-lunarians we get in canon, are tougher than a stone wall. Golbez tanks a Meteor to the face, as well as having his Eidolon slain (which is shown to kill lesser folks). And Cecil, he's just built like a fortress of Stamina and health in pretty much all his games.

Quote:Also just a bit of advice to make the necromancer and white mage Fvc bonus more user friendly: +1/2 damage/healing (identical to half elf paladin wording on d20pfsrd)

Perhaps. But then again, they already have plenty of other ways to deal/heal damage, and if I'm remembering right, they have abilities that rely on the dice of Harm Touch/Lay On Hands, rather than the points of damage.

Besides, there's nothing quite like rolling a fistful of d6s, am I right?
True, throwing 12d6 of steel dice at players hurts more than 10
Update, some edits made to the favored class bonuses.
Updated again to fit the new standard of all the races having ~15 RP, as well as more tweaks.

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