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some questions, gonna update here and there as I go
-Chemical Mixtures: You got that right

-Invent: Correct on pricing and time, but mix was not meant to apply here for the Mixtures, it's just for Suits, Busters, Gadgets, and Constructs.

-Busters: They can look like whatever weapon you desire, but try to have it make sense for the design and intention.

--Reading over the ability I think it's meant to bypass the 'Masterwork before Enhancing' requirement, but I could be wrong. If you had the Masterful Working talent it would eliminate any cost increase for doing so.

--You are correct, the wording on Blast Radius Buster requirements need some reassessment.

--Force Damage is an Energy type, so it qualifies for Explosives Expert without needing Elemental damage dice.

--Smith Expertise would apply to any Busters made AFTER you acquire it, so you'd have to build a new one or rebuild your current for it to benefit.

--A 10ft radius is centered on an intersection between 4 squares, and hits everything within 10ft of that square.

--The ammo is crafted by you using an appropriate Craft Skill. Maybe Weaponsmithing, maybe Firearms, up to the GM, and the cost/time involved is the same as if you were crafting Sling Bullets.

--Yes, a Buster can have both Melee and Ranged capabilities. The Ranged wouldn't benefit from Strength modifiers, obviously, but otherwise you could have something like this. As is currently feats and abilities that work with Gunblades would not benefit a Buster, but some GMs may allow it.

--You simply choose to add on to the Buster by dedicating the gp and the time, you don't have to Deconstruct it but to remove any assigned abilities you'd have to.

--You can have as many Busters as you wish, but understand that they all share the same pool of Invent Points, so you could have multiple weak ones, or 1-2 big guns/swords/whatever.

--Blueprint idea sounds kind of cool, but the majority of that is stuff that Materia already does and the idea of being able to simply attach your Buster to any weapon creates questions as to why it has such a mutable form. For the moment, likely something you'd have to run by your GM for approval.

-Correct on the pricing of gadgets, if you made a 3k wand it would cost you 150gil and 3 Invent Points, which would then be invested into the Wand until the charges were all spent or you deconstructed it.

-Thrifty/Precise Gadgets: The larger reduction is applied first, so 100 to 75, then the lower reduction is applied to the new amount, so 67.5, rounded up to 68.

-"If a Buster is made into a ranged weapon, you choose from one-handed and two-handed..." Quote from the ability, the mention of two-handed Busters on the Shoulder Slot Suit ability is just if you decided to build it as such.

--In fact you cannot two-hand a Melee Buster, since you cannot two-hand light weapons. And yes, while a Light Reach Weapon is an odd thought, the likelyhood is that it becomes some kind of energy whip. Some GMs might let you choose to make a melee Buster 1-handed so that it can be 2-handed for bonus damage, but as is currently? Not an option.

Messages In This Thread
RE: some questions, gonna update here and there as I go - by dairius_chi - 05-18-2015, 01:46 PM

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