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Eidolons, espers, and gods...Oh My!
This is a little lore I kept thinking about:

Summoner Lore:

Eidolons: Outsiders that act as corporeal emanations of gods and other higher powers. An eidolon can be considered both an incarnation of a deity and an existence unique unto itself, taking the shape and abilities befitting the deity it represents. Summoners dedicate themselves towards learning how call these emanations to the Material plane using their magical energy.

In making a pact with certain deities, a special type of eidolon called an avatar is granted to the summoner. An avatar takes the shape and abilities of its deity yet it relies on the summoner it is tied to in order to maintain its manifest form. As such, the strength and abilities of the avatar are dependent on the strength of the summoner regardless of the power of its deity. As the summoner grows in strength, so too does the avatar.

Espers: Some gods do not create emanations but instead create familiar-like servants called espers. Like eidolons, espers are outsiders born to enact their creators' will upon the world. However, their forms are drawn from the imagination of the creator rather than imitation. Espers are therefore more independent than eidolons, to the point that they may even rebel against the beings that created. Summoners can learn to create their own espers in place obtaining avatars.

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Eidolons, espers, and gods...Oh My! - by RedDingo777 - 09-16-2015, 12:21 PM

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