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Spell List "Sorting" - Printable Version

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Spell List "Sorting" - kenki - 08-24-2013

Is there a way you could change "spells A-D blah" to spells by class.

You have summoner spells their own catagory, but then you have all the other spells in some crazy miss mosh of other assortments.

Then you have spell lists "in the general" naming in one list, and specifics in other places.

Just asking if it would be "Albeit a little redundant" but, have the detailed info under each class tree.

Would make it easier then having to hunt through 3-4 pages since the info is just in 1 page.
(Even if info is repeated on other pages.)

Going through the black mage spell list: I have to go to well the black mage spell list.
Aero for example states this there:
Quote:Aero: Ranged touch that deals 1d6 points of wind damage + casting modifier + 1 per level (max of +5).

However if I go to the Spells A-D:
Aero instead states this:

Elemental (Wind)
Level: Black Mage/Blue Mage/Red Mage/Dark Knight 1
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect: Ray
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial
Spell Resistance: Yes
Creature Learned From (BM only): Wind Flan (Small)

You direct a blast of wind at your opponent. You must make a ranged touch attack to hit, and if the ray hits, it deals 1d6 points of wind damage + your casting modifier (Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma) + 1 point per caster level (maximum +5) and inflicts the Squalled status effect unless the creature makes a Fortitude save.

As you can see, needed information on one page wasn't on the other page. Which leads to a bit of irritation. It could of been better just posting that Spells A-D , listing on the Black mage list, and so on an so forth, so one doesn't have to have tab all over the place just to hunt a spell at a time.

Basically just asking, is there a way you could make it easier navigating your site by removing the redundant Spells A-D , and just have this info in the class themselfs, (sorted by level)

RE: Spell List "Sorting" - Viladin - 08-25-2013

Low on the priority list, but may do so later.

RE: Spell List "Sorting" - kenki - 08-25-2013

Yeah, I was just more asking as a convenience factor.

Trying to make npcs and going all over the place with hit and miss info gets hair raising lol.


Also could you post a rules update , if you intended characters to learn 2 spells per level or only 1 per level (for free, not from scroll or so on..)

Noticed it was mentioned on summoner it goes 2 for first then 1 for every level after.

However previous news I couldn't find a reference for the other classes on their class descriptions.
Outside the 2 at first level.

RE: Spell List "Sorting" - Viladin - 08-25-2013

Says it on every caster class. 2 at 1st level, 1 every level thereafter.